Am I Responsive? – More Than Just A Responsive Testing Tool

A few days ago I found this responsive testing tool called “Am I Responsive?” by @justinavery, and now it’s one of my favorite tools. It’s not just a normal site where you type in the URL of your site a/nd it shows you 3 or 4 different device sizes using iframes, but the iFrames are framed with the actual devices mockup. Like for the laptop size, the iFrame is inside a laptop frame. See the screenshot below.

As I mentioned above, this isn’t just a responsive testing tool, you can use it to showcase you web application, website, or anything web related in a professional way.

An other cool feature that was added in the recent update is that you can share your already embeded website by using ?url=

Also if you don’t like how the devices are ordered, just click and hold your mouse button and reorder them easily.

The tool currently features four devices screen size.

  • Desktop – 1600x992px scaled down to scale(0.3181)
  • Laptop – 1280x802px scaled down to scale(0.277)
  • Tablet – 768x1024px scaled down to scale(0.219)
  • Mobile – 320x480px scaled down to scale(0.219)

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#41b7d8″ size=”5″ icon=”icon: link” rel=”nofollow”]Am I Responsive[/su_button]

Also if you have any other ideas that you thin could be implemented into this already freakin’ awesome tool, feel free to tweet @justinavery about it! He’s open for ideas and improvements !

What do you think about this tool? What else would you add to it? Let me know in the comments down below!