Get HTML5 Data Attribute with jQuery

In this tutorial we’ll be taking a look at how to get HTML5 data attribute with jQuery. We’ll create an anchor tag and turn it into a button with  CSS. Then we’ll add two data attributes on it. One for changing…

30+ Creative 404 Error Pages

Clicking on broken links can be a pain.. no finding what you were looking for. But a creatively designed error page, can ease this a bit. In this post I’ve collected a few creative 404 error pages that have the…

Create an Exit Intent Popup Window

In this tutorial we’re going to create an exit intent popup window. First, we’ll talk about what exit intent is, then I’ll walk your through the steps of creating the popup window, then we’ll create the exit intent script. We’re going…

HTML5 Data Attribute as Selectors in jQuery

Using HTML5 Data Attribute as Selectors in jQuery

When we’re create a jQuery application, most of the time we use CSS Classes or IDs to select specific HTML elements on the page and do things with them. But what happens if we give the application to an other…

A Collection of CSS Puns and Jokes

As we mentioned in an article earlier, where we showcased css drawings, CSS is one of the very few languages that are fun. And by fun I mean, that you can make drawings with, can write puns and jokes with…

All You Need to Know About the Latest Version of PHP 5.6

This is a guest contribution by Lucy Berrette The new version of PHP launched on the market in 2014. The latest version of PHP 5.6 offers some of the nice features while other features have been removed from it. Obviously, being…

30 CSS Drawings Made with A Single Div

We all know how powerful CSS is, and that many amazing things can be done with, such as navigation menus, accordions and more. But there’s something else as well, drawings. Lynn Fisher, a web designer from Chandler created an amazing CSS…

10 Stunning Magento Themes That Are Worth Considering

This is a guest contribution by Claudia Jhonson The significance of an online presence is not hidden from anyone. With the rapidly evolving technology, today most of the users prefer shopping at the comfort of their home. The advanced mobile devices…