SERPStack Review – Real-Time Google Search API

It might seem a bit basic to start from here but it is usually a good idea to carry everyone along. A web search engine or internet search engine is a software system that is created to perform web search. This means to scan the world wide web in a structured manner for particular information specified in a textual web search query. The search results are often displayed in a line of results, frequently referred to as search engine result pages i.e SERPS. The information may be a combination of links to websites, digital graphics, videos, audio and a wide variety of files. Some search engines also discover patterns in large data sets containing  methods of intersection of machine learning, statistics and database systems.

What is the Application Programming Interface?

When you make us of an application on your computer, the program links up to the Internet and sends data to a server. The server then collects that data, interprets it, performs the requested commands and transfers it back to your computer. API converts that data and displays the information to you in a manner you can comprehend.  It is intended to simplify the building of client-side software.

An API may be for a web-based system like Google, an operating system, computer hardware etc.  API also provides security.  Your phone’s or computer’s data is never laid bare to the server, and in return the server is never completely exposed to your phone or computer. Instead, each communicates with small packets of data, sharing only that which is necessary.

A bit about search API

Search APIs are Representational state transfer software. That means that the software architectural style defines a set of constraints to be used for creating web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style are called RESTful Web services. They provide interoperability between computer systems on the internet. The allow the requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of web resources by using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations.

Search APIs are designed for developers allowing single-line fuzzy search for addresses and point of interest. Search assigns a latitude and longitude to a particular address, cross street, geographic feature or point of interest. It allows spatial searches on hosted data and remote data. It can help you answer questions like “which restaurants are within a 10-minute drive from my house?”

There are different types of searching. A radius search returns results that are within a given distance of origin (like in my example above). A rectangle search will give results that are within a specific bounding box. A polygon search will return results that are within a custom polygon search. A corridor search results fall within a specified distance of a line and finally a base search, which is a free-form search that can handle any of the above searches, although it is missing some of the convenience functionality that is exposed in other searches.

There are also different types of data to search: hosted data, remote data and mixing data sources.

Why I use Serpstack



When it comes to speed, we are all aware of how speedy computers can be. They are built so that they can perform tasks like searching, because they possess speed and efficiency that we do not. Once you subtract variables like connection speed and hardware specifications, it really glares that humans are the obstacles that impede computers. Never compromise on speed, API requests sent to Serpstack are processed in a matter of milliseconds. With Serpstack you can let them do the work automatically for you. Serpstack has systems built to handle large numbers of requests and thus are not afraid to allow we customers to turn on the fire hose. Serpstack possesses increased capacity that translates to its ability to to process a lot of search requests simultaneously. Search result time is significantly shorter than what I have experienced with other search engine API a and any queueing that has to happen, moves speedily.

Highly customizable

With Serpstack, you can tailor automated search queries based on a series of options, including location, language, device and lots more.  You can create a search engine for your website, your blog or a collection of websites. You can configure your engine to search both web pages and images. The choice lies with you when it concerns fine-tuning the ranking and adding your own promotions and streamlining the look and feel of search results. This permits you to create an environment that increases visitors’ satisfaction.

Fair pricing and wonderful customer service

Serpstack offers fair pricing which implies that you are not coerced into paying for complex services you do not need. You have the option to select between their free or custom plans and let their servers do the work.  You get up to 100 monthly requests free and as soon as you need more you can purchase one at a comparatively low price of $29.99 a month. The billing is done monthly and all contracts can be terminated, upgraded or downgraded on your request. They are also staffed by a wonderful customer service which presents premium support. Whenever I had need to contact them, I was replied within one business day. They provide excellent integration support for Serpstack software and all I had to do was reach out via E-mail. Technical questions are rife in a field has complex as computing but their well-trained staff are up to the task of making user experience as hitch-free as possible.


Serpstack is highly scalable. In case you do not fully grasp the concept of scalability and why it is important to you –

Scalability can be broadly described as being extensible, built into architecture and implies demand balancing.  Scalable software like Serpstack is extensible at the most basic level. The design itself does not put a cap functionality, and instead allows multiple avenues to tie into the underlying services and systems to enable extensions and other services. By saying it is built into architecture, scalability is imbued into the foundational stages of the Serpstack itself.

Scalability also implies demand balancing. Just as important as extensibility is responding to demand. Serpstack ensures that the handling of traffic is done just as well with one hundred requests as with one million — it is implied in the name, “scale.” The meaning is that scalability innately demands efficient performance, regardless of technique or methodology, at either really high traffic and really low traffic. If you want to enhance the user experience of your website or application by providing a fast and reliable location input field with auto-completion you really need to hop on Serpstack. Serpstack API was built to offer a way of scraping Google SERP data in real-time and at scale. Implementation takes just a few minutes using the simple HTTP GET URL structure, results are returned in JSON or CSV. After signing up for an account, each user is given a unique API access key. This key is used to ensure security. If you are a regular user of searching services, then you should opt for a service that guarantees it won’t go out on you and then upholds that promise.  In summary, you want Serpstack.