Andor Nagy

Andor Nagy

Front-end Designer, WordPress fanatic, with a huge passion for biking. You can follow him on Twitter.

How to Pass Data with Ajax to a PHP file

In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you, how to Pass Data with Ajax to a PHP file and process it. Using this method, you can retrieve data from a database, and run other PHP scripts using the values of…

Create a Responsive, Fixed and Resizing Header

In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a Responsive, Fixed and Resizing Header. I got the idea for this tutorial, by reading Nick’s Animated Resizing Header On Scroll tutorial about it. In the tutorial, he uses simple…

Glyphter: The SVG Font Machine

Today I want to show you an other great tool called Glyphter the SVG Font Machine. Glyphter is a new Icon Font Creator tool, it uses a Drag n’ Drop system, that allows you to transform each character of the…